Sabtu, 13 Maret 2010


All i need now is nothing but money!
money! money! money! money!
i wanna be rich so i can get everything i want.

iya! gue jeles sama para borjuis diluar sana.
they won't have problems like mine!

i want money. tones of money.
i want my money as heavy as prita's money,
but mine aren't coins. the paper one! banknote!

ga suka? sekali-sekali boleh dong jujur ngungkapin perasaan?

*ababil mode: ON

Jumat, 12 Maret 2010


Pernahkah kau bicara, tapi tak didengar, tak digubris, sama sekali ?

it's Agnes Monica's song. Teruskanlah. hehehehe.
well, if i answer that question, then i will say that i've been a lot lot lot lot time been dicuekin. by most people around me. dan, sebenernya, gue uda mulai terbiasan sama situasi kayak gini. *curcol* hahaha.

And i got tired already with these all stuffs. joining this or that, i thought i can explore my ability and ended up by i didn't heard by nobody, got nothing to learnt but in charge in everything. ini salah satu alesan kenapa gue males banget ikutan acara2 dikampus. bukannya mo sok sibuk ato sok hebat. tapi kejadian kayak gini emang sering banget. belom lagi berhadapan sama orang-orang yang mau-ga-mau dan nyebelin tapi selalu dapet point dan reward. hih! males amat.

Seperti yang udah gue pelajari, gue pikir kegiatan2 diluar kampus macem gini bisa gue jadiin 3rd place buat gue, selain home dan workplace. tapi~~ yah, apa mau dikata. ternyata 3rd place malah jadi stressor baru buat gue. weks.
fine! that's all. mungkin gue uda hampir ada dititik batas kesabaran gue. dan klo ini masih terus berlanjut. sori dori mori stroberi, tingkah gue selanjutnya ga bakal lebih baik dari abg-abg labil.

Selasa, 09 Maret 2010

confession no.1

ehehhehehe,, yup yup itu mah judul albumnya Afgan yg pertama. hihihi
but i need to confess that recently im in love with tumblr and twitter.
and i fell like there is nothing very special to be written here.
*okey, this is a confession in a confession : i did wrote something here, but i didnt publish it. it was just my curhatan penuh dendam that i thougth its not suitable to be posted here*

theeen,, the reason iam not posting anything here is~
the background.
ho oh, i want my blog background is my own design. eventhough im not good in designing something. hahahaha

sementara ituu,,
di twitter dan tumblr, gue bisa ngepost ato ngeRT/reblog apa aja yg gue suka. * i also can do it here, actually* tapii, disana lebih gampang. hehehe,, dan entah kenapa gue ngerasa salah klo cuma nulis 3-4 kalimat disini, sementara, gue bisa asik2 aja nulis cuma 1-2 kalimat disana. hehehehe. alesan ga logis emang, tapi itulah yang terjadi. hahahha

yaa,, begitulaahh. gue juga pengen nulis macem2 disini,, cuma mood untuk menulis panjang2 gue sedang tidak ada. huhuhu. aku rasa aku sedang tidak "waras" . *ga nyambung*